
Ivybridge Walking Club, Constitution.


1.  Title - the club is to be called Ivybridge Walking Club; IWC (the club).


2.  Objectives – to encourage healthy, recreational and social activities through walking and club functions.


3. Officers and Duties


-      Chairperson: to manage the affairs of the club. To chair the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM). To represent and act as spokesperson for the club.

-      Social secretary: responsible coordinating social events and other matters.

-      Walks Coordinator: to prepare in cooperation with walk leaders a schedule of walks and its maintenance on the IWC website; to monitor the club email account.

-      Treasurer: to maintain financial records and manage the club’s operational accounts. To maintain bank accounts in the name of the club. To prepare the club’s annual and final accounts and provide a report to the AGM and/or as required.


4. Appointment of Officers (the Committee)


All officers shall be elected at the AGM by a simple voting format. Should more than one person be proposed for any position and voting will be by secret ballot.


5. Club Management


The club will have the following powers to achieve its objectives: To raise funds. To obtain appropriate insurance. To open and operate a bank account in the name of the club - signatories to be any two from the club committee. To develop and maintain a website. To issue as necessary rules, advice and guidance to members to ensure the smooth running of the club and the health and safety of members on walks.


Any other action of a legal nature in pursuance of the clubs stated objectives.


6. Club Membership


The club is open to all, irrespective of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or other beliefs.

Prospective new members will be allowed to walk on a trial basis for a maximum of two occasions without joining the club.

The club committee will determine each year the level of subscription due from members. This will be ratified at the AGM which will take place around the beginning of April each year.


7. The AGM


- The AGM will take place around the beginning of April each year.

- The AGM will confirm the minutes of the previous AGM.

- The AGM will receive annual reports from the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Walks Coordinator, the Treasurer, and any other appropriate persons.

- The AGM will include a review of subscription rates and membership numbers.

- The AGM will discuss business matters formally raised by members prior to the meeting and where time allows other matters raised under ‘any other business’.


8. Amendments to the constitution and dissolution of the club


- Any proposed alterations to the Constitution will be considered at the AGM or an EGM if deemed necessary by the Committee. Any such proposals must be put to the Secretary in writing and seconded by another member.

- For the dissolution of the club an AGM or EGM will require 2/3 of those present to vote to close the club. Should this happen, the club will realise all assets before discharging its debts and liabilities. Any a surplus is to be donated to a suitable charity.